Sunday, April 6, 2014

Summer Time in Mabua

Its summer time again and what a way to spend the time is a dip in the beaches.  In Surigao City, the most logical destination will be in Barangay Mabua.  When you google Mabua, it is described as Mabua Pebble Beach. Absolutely.  Its a kilometer stretch of pebbles. Even the underwater is covered with pebbles. 

The are few commercial beach resorts in Mabua.  Among the few are Mt. Baraganon Hotel (actually its not a hotel but more like bread and breakfast inn), and  then there's the Fiesta Resort which has a pool and cottages and rooms.  

Fishing bancas drydocked at Mabua beach
What abounds in Mabua are nipa cottages that dotted along the beaches which can be rented from an average of 100 to 150 pesos a day. 

When having fun, it should not be necessarily expensive.  And in Mabua, there's a lot of alternative. Its more in fun, less in expense. 

Mabua...while in Surigao City...just try it. 

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